Chiropractor Jeffrey Bernstein D.C.
If I hadn’t met a friend of mine on the library stairs, I would never have discovered my career. Here’s what happened:
One day, back when I was in college, taking pre-med science courses to apply to medical school, I ran into a friend of mine coming down the stairs from the library. He looked very excited for some reason. He practically yelled, “Hey, you have to check out this new health care field I’m thinking about. It’s called chiropractic medicine, and I know a doctor in Connecticut who’s been nice enough to invite students to come to his practice to watch him work. Why don’t we check it out?”
So, I thought, “Why not?” The following week we drove down to spend a day with this young chiropractor in southern Connecticut. He was a really nice guy, and he was very gracious as he let us watch him while he attended patients. Well, it turned out to be quite a life-changing experience. I’ll never forget it, because he showed us how he was taking care of lots of patients that no other doctors could help. He was healing people in a very unique and pain-free way, and helping them avoid potentially harmful drugs, steroid injections and surgery, and he was doing it all naturally, without any discomfort to his patients. He was very dedicated and enthusiastic, and his patients seemed to really adore him, it was really very inspiring for us impressionable young students. I decided right then and there to focus on studying chiropractic medicine.
However, there’s a bit more to the story… which is also pretty amazing, when you think about it. Around that time, shortly after meeting the doctor in Connecticut, I actually hurt my own lower back reaching behind a dresser to hook up some stereo speaker wires. I must have really bent the wrong way, because I began to feel severe back pain that went down from my lower back all the way down the nerve into my left leg.
Now what? I was a young guy and I was pretty scared. My family was several hours away, so I couldn’t turn to them for help. The local hospital emergency room doctors and staff said to just “rest”, but the pain still wasn’t going away after more than ten days, and it seemed to be getting worse. I thought, maybe I should be trying to find a good local chiropractic doctor to help me. And that’s just what I did. He was a real old-time doctor, if you know what I mean, with a waiting room that seemed like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. But, amazingly, he diagnosed the problem (bulging disc,pinched nerve), developed a treatment plan, and began to really help me. Within a very short time I began (amazingly, I thought at the time) to feel better.
That’s when I definitely knew that I going to study to be a medical specialist focusing on chiropractic care and the treatment of serious musculoskeletal pain. Sometimes things happen for a reason, right?
Over 34 Years Of Chiropractic Experience
Well, here I am, still in practice, more than thirty-four years later…
I’m the type of person who tends to keep quiet about things I’ve accomplished, because I believe my work is about serving patients, not about “me”. But how will anyone know how qualified I am if I don’t say something about my school background. I’ll keep it simple and to the point.
I have eight years of higher education after high school.
I did my college undergraduate studies at the State University of New York, in upstate New York (affordable!), where I graduated with highest honors, and was a “straight A” student. I was then accepted to some of the best medical colleges in the country, and I chose The National College of Chiropractic, located in the Chicago area, and which is considered to be one of the best chiropractic colleges in the world. I graduated from there with “Honors in Anatomical Studies”, which is very important when you’re a chiropractic physician!. (I owe that to my Anatomy professors, who were the best Ph.D.-level teachers around).
Since the curriculum of all U.S. medical, chiropractic, dental, etc. colleges must be “approved” by national accreditation agencies, my medical education was very thorough, encompassing four years of medical school courses, including clinical internship. I worked very hard, and received a great education.
Over the years, I’ve continued my education with many, many postgraduate courses, so I can continually keep up with advances in my specialty of medicine. Doctors must always keep up to date on learning the most advanced procedures.
Outside of Brookline Chiropractic Center
As a fifty-something kind of guy I’ve been around my profession a long time, and experience is really quite an asset in medical practice, believe me. On a personal note, I’m happily married and my wife and I are the only ones at home right now, which is sometimes good, but sometimes a bit too “quiet”.
When I’m not taking care of patients, I enjoy reading, taking long walks, and watching sports on TV. I also like to run/walk on a treadmill when the weather is bad . I am active in the community and participate in two local charitable organizations.
On weekends you’ll see me in town wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, maybe browsing in a local bookstore, and sipping a cup of tea or coffee. Please stop me and say “hello”; I’m a friendly, down-to-earth type.
As a health care professional, my family and I try to “walk the walk” and stay as healthy as we can. We receive regular chiropractic care, try to maintain a healthy weight, and also try to eat in a healthy way.
Lately, we’ve been trying to eat more vegetables and salads although I, personally, do have a bit of a sweet tooth (chocolate), and I won’t turn down the occasional potato chip.
As I mentioned above, I like to walk whenever I can: outdoors, if the weather’s nice, indoors on a treadmill or elliptical machine if it’s really cold, raining or snowing.
I consider myself an excellent listener and hope I get the opportunity to meet you in person and discuss your specific health concerns. Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how our office may be of service to you.
Sound interesting? Contact Brookline Chiropractic Center today to make an appointment.
Monday | 7:00am - 5:15pm |
Tuesday | 7:00am - 5:15pm |
Wednesday | 7:00am - 5:15pm |
Thursday | 7:00am - 5:15pm |
Friday | 7:00am - 5:15pm |
Saturday | 7:00am - 10:00am |
Sunday | Closed |

Brookline Chiropractic Center
209 Harvard Street #305
Brookline, MA 02446
(617) 232-3400